Well, the last part of that statement is still in question. But, I did finally get the lathe I need to continue putting this thing together.
It's old, and hasn't been used in a while, but it should do nicely.
I will have to make some tooling for it, and a special bench to mount it to, but everything seems to be in order. I would hope some of you had the same reactions I did.
"That's awesome!"
"It's so old!"
"Why did they let it rust like that?"
"Does it still work?"
"Is that a cloth belt?"
No worries. I am being called away for some work in Chicago, but I will be back in a week to finish the job. If I can keep myself on track, I will be done by June. And, this work, while it takes me away from the boat, is going to alleviate money concerns for supplies. Besides, I love it when I am working. Maybe a bit of a break will give me the perspective and motivation to really tear through the remainder.
Who can say.
While I was in gridlock waiting for tools, I did get out on a small local river.
Remember Kitty from the previous post? Turns out she has a bit of hydrophobia, so I got her to go canoeing with me in the learning curve.
It was really fun. We did tip over, but it was actually my fault with the steering, and after a short time, we were pulling off some pretty slick maneuvers. At one point, we rode the current around a couple of tight turns and put her through a gap between two fallen trees only wide enough for the canoe. Dead on. Very cool, and not bad at all for her first time.
There is something to this sport. There is a greater value in the water than people can quantify. We spent a couple of hours on a small local river and it cost little to nothing in gas (drop off and pick up, sure) and we had a blast. We saw deer, a coyote, geese, fish (and not the bad kind), and beavers or muskrats. As the Great Recession continues, it's nice to know that the finer things in life are still available to even the lowliest of Americans (I mean me, not her). And, as I get my nieces and nephews into this, they will become the future of the sport and hopefully carry a respect for the rivers and lakes in their own back yard.
Kinda sounds like a Travel Illinois brochure, but it's no less true.
And never mind the time/date thing.... stupid camera.
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