So I haven't been adding content lately, which of course is bad in blogger-land, but I think it makes sense.
At the moment, my boat plans are the same (record breaking design of pedal powered craft, much praise and critical acclaim followed by an extreme bender and bikini-clad admirers) the process is recessed into my head. I spend a lot of time up there, and many of my projects work themselves out internally. It's the way I work when I am without a client or deadline.
Rest assured, work is being done.
I am also very busy trying to earn money to pay for the supplies to make these ideas real. In the mean time, I thought I would put up a photo from the race.
Meers and I waiting for the starting gun.
I recall feeling pretty good at this point, and for the first leg. But all of that would fade as the river took it's toll. I can't wait until I can run a good race with a chance of a victory. Meers too, I think, is getting excited about racing. With the Curve waiting for repair, I am tied to shore and want very much to paddle a bit in the autumn. I read Canoeing with the Cree the other night (couldn't sleep due to my own internal relationship demons and such). Didn't satisfy me as make me long for the pull of the river's bend. While you wait for me to write, you ought to give this a read.
Oh, hey guys. Yeah, sorry, I haven't been posting anything lately either. I've been down in the amazon for the last couple weeks, getting ready for next year as well. I tell you, this is the way to do it. I feel sorry for those losers who lock themselves up in barns, staring at computers all day thinking that the trick to winning is all about the type of boat you have. That goes for life as well, not just river racing. Nope, the real race is won out here. Putting in the time, doing the work. Blood, sweat and tears...and man eating fish. I tell you, the river, amazon that is, is not really so bad, it's the piranhas (most of which are in 3D) and the blood thirsty indigenous tribes that will make you think twice. Noble savages my ass. Anyway, I'm back now, only one hand missing (the left one, as a sacrifice to the gods who apparently need white men's left hands for some such...such and such)and already I am already getting the fever to go out and do some more. In the meantime I am stuck in a barn, playing on my computer trying to figure out how to make paddle that will work with only my right hand. I'll keep you updated.
ReplyDeleteThe important thing is that you're safe. I hate it when competitors die. It is so much more impressive when there are hundreds of boats in my wake.
ReplyDeleteYou know if you need help with that prosthetic, I can work on it for you. What about a paddle hand? Or better yet- and this might sound crazy- but what about a really fast boat that you peddle instead of paddle?
Just a thought.