Saturday, August 18, 2012

Another tale of the double cross

Double cross training.

I have written before about cross training and the importance of exercising the body as a part of keeping the mind sharp.  Today I am off the the lake so that I can begin training for a triathlon.  I will be attempting to swim a mile (not going to happen, probably, but I need a metric to gauge myself against) and will ride twenty miles.  I hope to get in some running as well, though I am not sure what kind of distance I will get.

I ma doing this because I need to work things out in my head, but also because I need to be in shape (and while round might be a shape, it isn't the best for racing).  I want to encourage all of you to get out there.  You don't have to be crazy like I am with all the races and different sports, but the first step to feeling great is getting up and getting out.  Treadmill, sidewalk, fresh air: run, swim, walk, bike: whatever you want to do, just do it actively.
Summer is at an end my friends, and soon we will be bundled up and looking back in fond remembrance of the warm days past.  How shall we remember them?  What will we think of as the snow flies and we have less sun?

It's up to us, and the decision is now.

Let's go.

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