Monday, May 13, 2013

After the sun #2

In Norse mythologySköll (Old Norse "Treachery")[1] is a wolf that chases the horses Árvakr and Alsviðr, that drag the chariot which contains the sun (Sól) through the sky every day, trying to eat her. Sköll has a brother, Hati, who chases Máni, the moon. At Ragnarök, both Sköll and Hati will succeed in their quests.
Sköll, in certain circumstances, is used as a heiti to refer indirectly to the father (Fenrir) and not the son. 

Skol is done. 

Won't find out how she fairs in the water until Wednesday. Still, it's fitting that I finish the father of Fenrir after dark. Here are the pics.
Not pretty, but if she displaces sixty gallons, my theories are correct and I can go ahead with Fenrir. I'm a month behind but moving fast.

Test soon. Stay tuned.

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