Sunday, June 5, 2011

Let's Just Think About This

Sorry about the last post.  Some people thought it was a bit vague, so I will clarify the situation and propose something different.

The MR340 will not be held this year due to flooding.  The Coast Guard won't let us run normal, and it is doubtful that a delay will solve the problem.  It is bad news, but we can't do anything about the river (for proof of this, just look at a broken levee).  As they say: river is as river does.

In it's place, we will be racing 150 miles on the Kansas or Kaw River.  It will be a shorter race, but will require much skill.  Unlike the Missouri, it is not very deep and has a lot of turns.  In short, the boat I am building will not take it at speed.  Furthermore, there will be portages.

Now, let's examine this for a second.
The thesis here is that a boat designed with the proper mechanics can compete with excellent paddlers in ultra-marathon river racing.  This being the case, I can use this change of venue as an opportunity to prove my thesis.
When I was in college, I build a wood strip canoe.  It is called the Learning Curve because I had no idea what I was doing and decided to build a boat so I could learn to build a boat.  I still have it and use it often.
It's ugly and slow for racing, but it's tough and it was built to teach me.

So, I could take my mechanics and install them on the learning curve.  It would be easy enough.  The hull is done, and it has a transom for the prop.  It can take a lot of weight, and I have run that across sand and gravel and steel and concrete, and it is tough enough to take it.

It would prove my mechanics and it would mean I could compete solo in the pedal class.
In the end, it could go back to being my first canoe without much modification.

I'm warming to the idea... quick.

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