Sunday, July 22, 2012

how do you eat an elephant?

There is an old joke that asks, "How do the natives eat an elephant?"

"One bite at a time."

That is how I feel at the moment.  Before me is an unbelievable task, but it progresses because I take one step at a time.  It's also a metaphor for my half marathon this morning.  Four hours of sleep and no desire to compete, I have taken more than ten minutes off my time.  And while I was out there, I considered how much I didn't want to be there (I felt heavy and never really found a comfortable pace) and I kept putting my feet forward.  Eventually, the race was run.  And, such is life.

On the boat front, I have a rough cut of all of the hull pieces.  Tomorrow I will assemble them and shape them.  If everything goes smoothly, I might be able to get carbon on the bottom of the hull.  That would put me a little ahead of what I wanted done, but it is best to keep my eye on the prize and expect nothing less than meeting my goals.  If I do that- if I meet my goals on time- I will have a chance at getting it in the water before race day.  It won't be training, but it will give me a chance to know what I made before I am expected to let it perform.

For now, it is late.  I am tired and there is much to do.  But I have met my goal and can sleep.

Five days to go, starting tomorrow.  

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