I can't really work past ten due to work schedule, so I will have to work quickly. And this brings up a lesson I keep relearning: you can go faster if you slow down.
We have all heard the old adage: haste makes waste. Well, that is true. Last night my friend and former teacher in design told me his take (he couldn't remember where he heard it): We are in a hurry, we must go slow. And today, Dave, my friend and mentor related what a boss of his once told him when he was younger: you can go a lot faster if you would slow down.
Truth, all of it.
When I get frustrated I rush. When I rush I risk poor quality. And that can ruin a job. I am fortunate that the parts broke here. But had I gotten away with it and finished building without the knowledge of what I had done, I would have been screwed when I ran the boat. So, I got the parts made properly because I had to go back. It's a good lesson.
I will no longer allow anonymous comments on the blog. It's easy enough to sign in and comment, but even if you don't want to do that, you could sign what you say. I love hearing from people who are following the story, but it carries no meaning if there is no identity. So, that is the new policy.
“What you are to do without me I cannot imagine.” ― George Bernard Shaw, Pygmalion |
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